service level agreement

VTiger’s Service Level Agreement (SLA) For Customer Care

October 24, 2016
“Being on par in terms of price and quality only gets you into the game. Service wins the game” – Tony Alessandra This quote clearly shows you the power of customer service. Whenever a customer finds some difficulty or fault in your product, the people whom he or she contacts belong to customer service department. If customer service fails to respond to the queries of a client, what impact you think they would get from it? The answer is very simple they will stop doing business with you, they will not recommend you to their friends and associates. Moreover, it will cause a negative word of mouth regarding your product. Do you think in the current business environment you can take this much risk? When the competition is skyrocketing? Obviously not. What is SLA SLA is a term with which even most of the people using a CRM are not

How To Design And Employ VTiger Service Level Agreement (SLA) For The Best Customer Care

April 19, 2016
An agreement between a service provider (does not matter if internal or external) and the end user that states the caliber of the support and solutions to be delivered to the client by the company is known as Service Level Agreement (SLA). SLAs define the resources and level of support the client will get, with whom the SLA is signed. Note! This feature is available in Support Professional Edition and Ultimate Edition of Vtiger CRM. Design an SLA Policy To compose an SLA Policy, this protocol can be followed: First of all go to the Menu icon Look for the Settings button In settings, click SLA Policiesin the Support tab Now in this window press the +Add SLAicon in the top right corner Provide the SLA details in the pertinent fields SLA Policy Configuration Three aspects of SLA policy are to be devised Policy Name: An appropriate name for the SLA policy Operational Hours: There are two options in the