
How to install Vtiger CRM

December 21, 2022
In this guide, we will check how to install vTiger CRM system (Open Source)  on Debian 11 server. We will be using LAMP Stack for the installation. For installing the vTiger CRM system (Open source) you need to fulfill the following specs Linux server Debian 11 A user with root privileges Domain name pointed to your server Step 1: Installing LAMP Stack The very first step in installing vTiger CRM system is to install the LAMP Stack on Debian server First, make sure that your Debian repository is updated by executing the following command Once done, now install some packages and LAMP Stack using the following command After the installation of LAMP Stack and some other packages, execute the following command to check the Apache2 and MariaDB status Make sure, that it shows the status of Apache2 and MariaDB as “Active” Step 2: Configuring MariaDB Server The second step encompasses