what is vtiger customer portal

VTiger’s Customer Portal

November 13, 2016
Customer service is one of the most integral part of an organization. Unsatisfied customers mean a huge loss to business. It is the biggest reality of today’s business environment that only those firms perform well who cater their customers in the best possible way. “Courteous treatment will make a customer a walking advertisement” Customer satisfaction plays such a vital role in the business culture that some firms improve their customer up to the extent that it becomes a POD (point of differentiation) for them. Without a doubt, it is a potential area which can be turned into a competitive edge of a firm. The list of benefits of a satisfied customer is a long one, some of them are quoted below: –    Excellent customer service yields repeated business, a satisfied one will do business again with your firm. –    A satisfied customer will advertise your business, a positive word of