vtiger custom buttons

New Extension – Customizable Buttons Extension For VTiger

September 16, 2018
We are delightfully announcing another new release this week – the Customizable Buttons extension for VTiger. Custom Buttons Extension for VTiger 7 is designed to improve efficiency when updating records. Buttons can be configured to show modal popup with selected fields. For example, you can add a button to “Update Address” which will only show address fields when clicked. This is very primitive example; however, it can be used for so much more. Most commonly used scenarios: Checklists – (popups that only include checklist fields) Missing/Incomplete information – (custom logic to show/hide buttons only if conditions are true e.g “Missing phone number”). Sales Stage specific information – (popups that only include demo, on-boarding, follow up schedule etc.) In addition, it supports conditional logic, meaning that buttons can be shown or hidden based on certain condition. For example, if an organization’s address is incomplete – you could show a button indicating