gantt chart

An Introduction To VTiger Gantt Charts

December 6, 2016
Competition in the current business era is so intense that you cannot achieve greatness by only working hard, you have to Work Smart! Perform business related tasks in a smarter way in comparison to firms that are competing with you. For example, mason does one of the most difficult jobs on the planet, but does he get the wages in accordance with the hard work he is putting in? The answer is a big NO! Although the amount of money he is earning also depends on the factors like education, opportunities etc., but, as far as we are concerned with the hard work, only mason is not very fortunate, even putting so much hard work he hardly manages to make living out of it. “Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different things” – Byron Dorgan Same is the case with business practices, only working hard cannot yield

Understanding The Basics Of Vtiger’s Gantt Chart

May 28, 2016
The horizontal bar chart in Project management, that displays stats of a programmed Project Task details that aids in planning, coordinating, and tracking precise tasks in a plan, is known as Gantt chart. Where to look for Gantt Chart In Vtiger 7, visit the record view of the Project Module in Project Management App to view Gantt Charts. Criterion for the Gantt Chart to Appear A Gantt Chart requires a Start Date as well as an End Date of the Project Task in order to appear in the Vtiger 7. Editing a Project Task record under Gantt Chart In a Gantt Chart Project Task record, press the Edit button to modify the record. Can I reorder the Gantt Chart on a particular Project Task? No, there is no option provided to rearrange the Project Task records Is the date field of a specific Project Task from a Gantt Chart adjustable? Yes! To adjust the