email marketing/automation campaign

Map Data in Emails from VTiger Records : New Addition in Email Marketing/ Automation Extension for VTiger

June 27, 2018
We have added a very helpful feature in Email Marketing Automation/Campaign Extension for VTiger. This extension makes VTiger a delightful marketing tool because of its simple configuration. Comes with a step by step implementation Wizard with an easy to select & customizable marketing list that supports Leads, Contacts & organizations. Next step is to create new or select an existing email template. It supports Mosaico template builder other than the standard vtiger template builder so you can create innovative emails, simply and easily. Then there is a confirmatory/send summary view.   It also supports various email outgoing servers and works with our other extension, Multi SMTP. You can schedule emails to go out in batches (to avoid spamming them), set the failed emails to retry and shows status of the emails as Opened, Sent , Failed, Unsubscribed and Unopened. It also supports executive summary charts. Moreover, gives a built-in Unsubscribe