Custom Module

Adding Custom Modules to Email Marketing Extension

June 3, 2021
Email marketing automation helps to make marketing campaigns more effective and efficient. One such feature is including custom modules in email marketing campaigns. Adding Custom modules to Email Marketing Extension offered by VTExperts increase the usability and potensiton of the extenaion by alot. To use custom module in conjunction with Email Marketing automation can do wonders. Follow the below mentioned procedure, as a result you will be able to add a custom module into email marketing campaign. Step 1 : Configure the Custom Module through extension settings Go to CRM settings Go to Extension pack list and choose “Email Marketing” Enable the desired Custom Module from configuration.Here we are adding Custom Contacts (Custom module) to the email markting extension. You can create a custom module using custom module builder extension Press the “Add modules” button After adding the custom module to the email markting extension, through configuration. Now, we will