App password

Configuring SMTP using App-Password

May 19, 2021
A very common problem with setting up SMTP is that it cannot save data and error occurred while sending mail. It is because the SMTP configuration required app passwrord to be functional. In this article we will learn the process of configuring SMTP using app-password The reason behind this that email service provider now use app passwords to allow logging into some less secure applications Setting up SMTP in VTiger This problem is also faced in VTiger CRM. Let’s take an example and set up SMTP for gmail using app password How to get app password?? App password is only available on those email I.D’s which have enabled 2-Step verification. to get the app password follow the instructions mentioned below Log into your Gmail account Click on the manage account google account A new window will open,  select security option Scroll down and select app password It will again ask