advanced custom fields

Advanced Custom Fields for VTiger Supports PDF and Image Uploads

December 7, 2018
upload field for vtiger to upload images and pdf
Advanced Custom Fields The Advanced Custom Field Extension was designed for system admins to simply add Advanced Custom Fields to selected modules, where needed, other than standard fields. The Advanced Custom Fields are of 3 types – HTML Description Field (which supports RTF), Assigned to Field (which is really a user picklist) and Upload Field (which allows PDF documents and Image Uploads). When it comes to the number of Advanced Custom fields added, there is no limit. It supports Edit/ Create/ Detail View.  Supports all the Standard and Custom VTiger Modules as well. Upload Field for PDFs and Images Now, the feature that we are discussing here is the Upload Field. An upload custom field allows to add an image as well as PDFs to any record of any module. You can add as many custom upload fields as required – there’s no limitation for it. Use Case For instance, take an example of Quotes Module. Users can upload an image of the Product