
The Impact Of ERP For Accounts Management

December 5, 2016
Business world is rapidly changing. Most emerging organizations are moving towards EPR (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems in order to unite their cross functional business units. ERP system improves the quality of managerial accounting process, and training. ERP Software ERP software usually consists of multiple modules of enterprise software that are purchased according to what best meets the specific and technical capabilities of the organization. Each ERP module is designed for one area of business processes and it is used to manage back-office activities and tasks. The main purpose of using an Enterprise Resource Planning system is to centralize all the information that is shared by all the departments to improve the data flow across the organization. ERP Function for Accounts ERP system is more friendly for Accounts and provide effective tools to maintain database and improve their work flow as well. ERP helps accountants to manage their financial matter such

VTiger & Xero Integration: A Strong Foundation For A Company’s Accounts

November 18, 2016
Financials and accounts are the backbone of a business, its importance can be determined from the fact that every business needs accounts reporting and check n balance. Well-kept financials can help a business firm in a number of ways. For example, managing the cash flows of the firm, from where they are earning and the points where they are spending. Forecast about how any units you will sell in the future is determined by evaluating the revenue and sales of past years. The story does not end here; accounts can also be used to manage internal affairs of a firm. For example, using an accounting software to estimate how much tax your firm will pay this year, or what percentage of the total amount will be paid as direct and indirect tax Calibrating wages, or the distribution of bonuses can also be done using such softwares. Accounting and CRM To