vtiger sales orders

Customized VTiger Product Select/Search Popup

October 28, 2016
If you are  a heavy VTiger user – you are likely familiar with quotes, invoices sales & purchase orders. Within each transaction you can add/select products & services. The current VTiger functionality allows users to select either product or a service and execute a simple search. As this might be enough for a user who has very few records and is comfortable with one search criteria, however for heavy VTiger users, who live and breath quotes/invoices – they need a more sophisticated tool to lookup products. We were asked to customize VTiger product select popup and add the following functionality: Additional Filter by Vendor: In many cases, sales reps are looking products by vendor, and us adding the picklist with all the possible vendors – really speeds up the process. They can simply select the vendor from the list and the list will be automatically filtered. Specify QTY and Price: As