vtiger calendar

Tile & Hover Text In VTiger Calendar Job Scheduler Is Now Configurable With Fields

January 31, 2018
VTiger Job Scheduler is the extension that enhances your VTiger Calendar’s capability to manifolds. It gives you day, week, and month views in a way that events and tasks do not overlap and become very easy to manage. With the latest update of the extension Job Scheduler or Advanced Calendar for VTiger, it allows you to edit and configure the information that is shown by default on an event or task block as well as when you hover your mouse cursor over it. You can insert some default text, map fields from the events and tasks, and configure them with the rich text editor according to your needs.   It also allows you to map fields from the related modules. So say if you need to know the name of the Contact or Organization with which the current event is, if you need to know the place where the event

Status Colors In Job Scheduler Extension For VTiger Calendar

January 31, 2018
VTiger Job Scheduler is the extension that enhances your VTiger Calendar’s capability to manifolds. It gives you day, week, and month views in a way that events and tasks do not overlap and become very easy to manage. Now, we’ve added a major function in VTiger Job Scheduler that allows to color the statuses of events wherever it matters e.g. in Picklist while creating an event and selecting a status, on Job Scheduler view of the VTiger Calendar etc.     So, once the colors are configured in the extension settings, you will see statuses as different colors. Same for the Events box on the Calendars. The box’s color will depict the status of an event. It will help you quickly identify the status of an event and see if that event has either been planned, scheduled, held or cancelled.     For further help, contact us on help@vtexperts.com. We’ll

New – “Actions” Button Column On Activity Reminder / Calendar Popup For VTiger 7

December 15, 2017
There’s a productivity centered extension Activity Reminder (Popup) for VTiger that gives reminders similar to Outlook. The reminder popup shows up automatically when the activity is due and displays current day’s activities with basic details such as subject, description, related to (contact, lead, organization, etc..) as well as Due In. We recently gave it a major upgrade and added the “Actions” button as a column to the reminder popup. Previously, those actions buttons were only accessible when you go to calendar > specific activity > and hover your mouse over it.   With the Activity Reminder (popup) extension, now users can edit, mark as done, and delete any activities without the need to visit the actual activity in the Calendar. When you open the reminder popup (extension button at the top right – needs the extension to be installed), you will see this new column named “Action”. The action buttons

Basic To Advance Uses Of VTiger Calendar

January 13, 2017
Planning is an important part of business, firms spend a huge chunk of their resources on planning just to make sure incoming season they perform better as compared to the previous seasons. Scheduling is an important part of the planning and a number of different tools are used for this purpose. One of such tools is the calendar, it is one of those few instruments which are most widely used in business operations. The benefits of a well-designed calendar are beyond measurement. To ordinary people, the application of calendar is just to remember dates, but for business professionals it is a handy assistance using which they keep track of stock delivery, meeting with a client, meeting deadlines, services, and product launch dates etc. If we analyze the habits of successful professionals it is not hard to observe that they use calendars to manage their schedules and take advantage of it

New Widget in VTiger Calendar View (Additional Filters)

July 14, 2016
VTiger Calendar is great, but not perfect. As every software, there’s always room for improvement. One of the customers requested to add a special widget on the calendar view, so their managers could easily filter only the activities they need to see. If you look at the screenshot, you will see that the widget is embedded in the calendar view and allows a detailed search of events. Search fields are as follows: Organization Name (it’s an ajax/type ahead field, once you start typing – it will show possible matches) Status (activity status) Activity Type Assigned To (group/user assigned to activity) Such detailed search allows the customer to exclude the unnecessary activities/events/tasks from the calendar view and prioritize the day. This is one of the many customizations that we did – if you have an idea for implementation or need assistance with VTiger – please shoot as an email or give us