
Integrate MS-ADFS with Vtiger CRM

March 26, 2021
feature image of MS ADFS integration into crm
VTExperts believes and always focuses on providing better solutions to the VTiger CRM community. That is why we offer a range of different VTiger integrations like QuickBooks, google drive, HubSpot, etc. We always keep on bringing new integration for our valued clients and this time it is Microsoft ADFS. Integrate MS ADFS with Vtiger CRM and log into multiple compatible device Before taking a look at MS ADFS integration with Vtiger CRM, let’s understand what is SSO (Single Sign-On). Also we will be looking at MS ADFS (Active Directory Federation Service)   What is SSO? SSO (Single Sign-On) is used to login into multiple apps using a single user name and password. It streamlines the overall process of log into different apps and also saves users from remembering multiple passwords. It works on the principle of identity provider, using it websites skips the user to prove their identity by

Inventory Management in Vtiger CRM

March 23, 2021
Inventory management in CRM
Inventory is a major component of product based businesses. Mismanagement of inventory can cause huge losses both in term of reputation and monetary value. There are numerous instances when business loss huge sum of money because of inventory mismanagement. Inventory management is one of the biggest challenges faced by the expanding businesses. For example, a local sports goods business expanded and opened a new branch in another city. Now they have inventory stored in multiple locations which is being sold in two different cities. So, with the expansion, managing inventory also became complex and if not handled properly can cause serious troubles. VTiger CRM provides comprehensive inventory management tools, in the shape of its inventory add on. Following are some of the disadvantages of poor inventory management Overstocking/Understocking: Poor inventory management causes overstocking. If you do not know how much quantity of a product should be ordered, it is very