service marketing

International Product And Service Marketing

January 13, 2017
Marketers of international goods and services face unusual challenges. First, marketers must figure out what goods and services to introduce and in which countries. After that, they must make a decision about how much to standardize or adapt their goods and services for the world market. On the other hand, companies would like to be consistent in their offerings. Consistency helps a company to develop a constant worldwide image. It also cuts down the manufacturing costs and eliminates replication of advertising, research and development, and product designing efforts. Furthermore, worldwide the consumers are different in their attitudes, behaviors, cultures and buying patterns. And markets also vary in their economic conditions, legal requirements, competition, and physical environments. Companies must usually react to these differences by adjusting their products’ offerings. Packaging also faces new challenges for international marketers. Packaging issues can be delicate; brand’s name, colors, and label may not translate easily