public relations

Role And Impact Of Public Relations (PR) On Business

December 29, 2016
PR is a major mass-promotional tool. It builds good relations with a company’s various contacts by obtaining positive publicity, building up strong co-operate image, and handling & heading off unfavorable stories, events, and rumors. Public relations department may execute any or all of the following tasks:     Press relations or press agency: It is all about creating and placing interesting information in the news media to draw attention to a person, goods, or services. Product publicity: Product publicity is for publicizing the detailed products and publicity can be positive or negative both. Public affairs: In public affairs, a company has to build and maintain local and national community relations. Lobbying: It is all about to build & maintain cooperative relations with the government officials and legislators to persuade legislation and regulation. Investor relations: To maintain excellent relationship with shareholders, investors and others in financial community who invest their money