office 365 connector

VTiger And Office 365 Connector With Some Important Tips

December 6, 2016
We live in the era of technology, from the process of communication to the common household chores, everything is benefiting from advancements in technology. Now we can control most of the household appliances using our mobile phones. Like we can adjust the angles of our bed using mobile devices, we can control the room temperature, we can automate our washing machines using remote controls that use special applications. The aim of this rant is that technology is doing wonders in every field of life and business is one aspect of life which benefited from technological developments most. If we compare current business environment with a decade old corporate situations, it is not hard to notice how technology has changed our ways of doing business. The computerization of regular business tasks involves extensive use of one specific application and that application is a part of every business firm, no matter it