Item lookup

Update Price Or Quantity Before The Item Is Added To Quote Or Invoice In VTiger 7

September 27, 2018
Easy Item Lookup Extension for VTiger was designed to significantly increase the efficiency when adding products & services to the invoices/quotes/sales & purchase orders. We applied a method that is very similar to any online shop, where you select your category and items reload based on the category selected. It supports up to 3 “category” fields, meaning, that you can narrow down your search by any picklist field on product/service (category, sub category, manufacturer, type, etc..). It also supports filter by vendor, which works exactly as the category filter.   How to Update Price In the Item Lookup popup you can Edit the price.  This price gets updated to the invoice/quotes/SO/PO immediately.  For further help, contact us on We’ll be glad to be of service.

Display Product Picture When Searching Items In VTiger 7

September 25, 2018
Easy Item Lookup Extension for VTiger was designed to significantly increase the efficiency when adding products & services to the invoices/quotes/sales & purchase orders. We applied a method that is very similar to any online shop, where you select your category and items reload based on the category selected. It supports up to 3 “category” fields, meaning, that you can narrow down your search by any picklist field on product/service (category, sub category, manufacturer, type, etc..). It also supports filter by vendor, which works exactly as the category filter.   How to Display Product Picture Go to Menu > Settings > CRM Settings > Extension Pack > Item Lookup. Turn on the Picture column. You can also specify the size of the picture.  Now you can see the Picture column in the Item Lookup popup.  For further help, contact us on We’ll be glad to be of service.