integrate vtiger tally

Benefits of Integrating Tally With VTiger

December 7, 2016
Making sales is not the only task to be accomplished while running a business. One of the most important back-end operation is keeping the books updated. Bookkeeping is practiced from ancient times and with the passage of time it has witnessed a great deal of development. The purpose of bookkeeping is to make sure finances of a firm are maintained. In the past, manual data entry systems were used for the purpose of bookkeeping. But, as workplace operations witnessed advancements, the process of bookkeeping is also automated using software. Manual Bookkeeping is one of the most difficult businesses related operations and encounters far greater errors as compared to any other business-oriented operation.   “It would be a bookkeeping nightmare to do this on paper and pencil every month” – Jason Sorenson   VTiger 7 CRM Understanding your Problems VTiger 7’s mission is to facilitate its valued customers in the best