Google Schedule/Map Route

Schedule/Map Routes In VTiger 7

October 23, 2018
Google Maps & Route Integration for VTiger was built to give your staff the convenience to quickly see the customers (or any other module with an address) on the map as a pin. It is also capable of creating different types of routes (Walk, Drive) as well as printing them as “directions” with an option to include the map (Identical to Google Maps). In addition, the routes can be generated either automatically or manually.   Hot to Schedule/Map Routes Go to Menu > Settings > CRM Settings > Extension Pack > Google Map Scheduler. Check box to Enable the extension. Select the center of the location from where the radius will be calculated and the radius area to be covered. Select the modules for the extension.  In Contacts module click on “More” and select “Google Maps Scheduler“.  Select the contacts and click on routes.  Click on Automatic and it will generate a route.  For further