
Set Sales Forecast Targets In VTiger 7

May 29, 2018
Sales Forecast for VTiger Extension was designed to help manage and predict Organization’s current and future Opportunities. It includes ability to view the entire company’s Opportunities as well as drill down to each Team or User. It also includes ability to specify Targets for each Team/User, and configure periods How to Set Sales Forecast Targets Go to the Menu >> Settings >> CRM Settings >>  Extension Pack >> VTE Forecast. and click on the “Forecast Settings” button.     Click on the “Targets” tab.     Here you can Specify Targets for your Team, Organization or the Individual Member. You can do that by the Time Or Date period that you have set up.     For further help, contact us on We’ll be glad to be of service.

View Your Sales/Opportunity Forecast By Sales Rep In VTiger 7

February 8, 2018
Sales Forecast for VTiger Extension was designed to help manage and predict Organization’s current and future Opportunities. It includes ability to view the entire company’s Opportunities as well as drill down to each Team or User. How to View Your Sales/Opportunity Forecast by Sales Rep Go to the “Menu” and select “CRM Settings“.     Under “Other Settings” select “VTE Forecast“. Then click on the “View Forecast” button.     You can view the Forecast for the entire organization or you can view it by sales team and the Sales Rep.     For further help, contact us on We’ll be glad to be of service.

VTiger Forecast: An Introduction

November 25, 2016
The business environment is becoming more and more intense day by day. So, to stay ahead of your competitors business firms have to anticipate things like sales, raw material, labor force etc. Companies which fail to forecast correctly not only face serious pressure from competitors, but sometimes also encounter disappointment from their suppliers and distributors. To broaden your view, some of the most important benefits of forecasting are given below: Financial Estimation Forecasting helps in determining your financial needs, it helps to estimate how much finance you need to put in your business to achieve the desired amount of revenues. But, the point that should be taken into account while forecasting is to make it realistic; superficial estimation of future purchase and sales yield is not good. Cut down Expenses A good prediction about future business operations can save a firm from a lot of expenses. Like the company will

VTiger “Forecast” Encloses All The Features A Company May Need To Manage Opportunities

May 12, 2016
Business development is a tricky trade, and it just does not only include grabbing new opportunities but also the smooth ongoing of a project till closure. How to execute the phenomenon as professionally as possible is yet another liability. Vtiger 7 approaches you with an exceptional hallmark, Forecast, which is extremely beneficial in predicting and planning the sales cycle from Pipeline to Closure. It predicts project fluctuations and relevant hazards and potential risks beforehand, saving a great deal of time, cost, and resources for the organization. Also, an organization’s past and current opportunities can also be managed with Forecast. All you need to know about Forecast extension and where you can get it: vTiger Sale/Opportunity Forecasts Note! This module is available only in Sales Professional and Ultimate edition. What does Forecast Do? Forecast predicts the prospects on the basis of the opportunities in hand of a Forecast Manager (A Sales Manager with a team