Extension Pack

Happy Halloween by VTExperts

October 27, 2021

VTExperts Extension Pack is Fully Compatible with VTiger 7.4

September 30, 2021
Vtiger 7.4 has been released. there have been a number of changes like new workflow expressions, secure passwords, import via record number, HTML injection fix, mass calendar edit, default internal comment etc. In addition to the new features, your favorite extensions have also been upgraded to support the latest upgrade of VTiger open source. In case, you want to check the details regarding the changes made in Vtiger 7.4, then do visit the article:  Vtiger 7.4 open source change log  VTExpert’s extension pack compatibility with Vtiger 7.4 In regard to the release of Vtiger 7.4, VTExperts made sure that all of the extension that were previously compatible with the Vtiger 7.x are fine tuned and made fully compatible to Vtiger 7.4. As now,  VTExperts extension pack is fully compatible with VTiger 7.4, so you can use the VTExpert’s extension pack to its full potential on Vtiger 7.4. In case you face

Vtiger CRM 7.4 has been Released

July 28, 2021
The much awaited Vtiger CRM 7.4 GA is released now. It is a great news for the Vtiger CRM users, as plenty of new features are added in addition to the various major bug fixes. Vtiger 7.4 put emphasis on security and performance issues and most of the changes revolves around these aspects of the CRM system. You can download the VTiger 7.4 from here Download Link  Some of the most prominent changes in Vtiger 7.4 are listed below Comments are internal by Default in Vtiger 7.4 Secure format for passwords is enforced. Using it the password should be 8 characters long, with at least one number, one uppercase alphabet, one lowercase alphabet and one special character. Password regex format has been centralized. Now, user’s can also define their own standards in config_override.php file. So, it drastically increases the password strength as compare to the previous versions. Import now supports “Record