
Importance Of Electronic Signing And Integration Of DocuSign And VTiger

December 30, 2016
Sometimes only because you forgot signatures, huge opportunities are missed. For example, you need a signature from the client at three different spots, but he or she missed one spot or the signature made by the client is not according to the standards, etc.  Imagine your firm is forming a partnership with another organization and you are acting as a representative of your firm. If you need a document to be signed by the other firm’s representative the normal procedures involve that you will send that document to your partner via traditional mail and get it signed or another option is to send him a fax and get a manual sign on the document. All these traditional methods take too much time, which can be invested in some other organizational building activities. The solution to this problem is Electronic signing, this is a much-needed state of the art high-tech solution

Application Of DocuSign’s Integration With VTiger

November 14, 2016
Emerging business trends involve a lot of travel, in fact, there are jobs which specifically require working from the remote areas. So much hassle can cause a lot of problems which can lead to different kinds of further hurdles. Those problems range from poor customer service to forgetting some important paper on your desk while you are at a remote place. For example, a sales rep made a visit to a potential client at another city and recorded all of his credentials, but when he reached his office and started to brief his superiors about the new client, he noticed that his client missed one signature out of six on the contract that was made between the firm and the customer. Well, should he go back to his client and get the signature? Or he should ask his customer to e-sign the softcopy of the papers? Obviously later is the

VTiger’s Esign Module Has The License For DocuSign Integration

August 4, 2016
Current business environment is very competitive and because of this very reason even small act of negligence can cause serious harm to the business. A task which is in repetition in everyday schedules makes it a very important one, that is signing the documents related to business. VTiger 7 provides you with a great integration with the app named as DocuSign, which allows to sign documents electronically according to the ESIGN Act. This feature not only saves time but also smoothens the business cycle making it more efficient and cost effective. Note! DocuSign is featured in Sales Professional, Support Professional and Ultimate Edition of VTiger 7. Getting documents signed by clients is an essential part of daily business dealings. DocuSign aids to get agreements and documents signed by the clients and customers electronically. You can also send PDF files that are Internal or generated by Print template, and for doing so all you need is to incorporate

Docusign and VTiger 7’s Capabilities Can Be Bonded Using Esign Module

April 3, 2016
What if you are informed that your hard earned vacation is spoiled only because of a misplaced signature on the contract you have signed a week ago? Obviously work is on top of your priority list but a little vacation every now and then doesn’t hurt. But cases like that not only can ruin your vacations, but more importantly, your crucial deals, orders, actions, or plans may get delayed and consequently abandoned. Thanks to Vtiger 7’s Esign module, getting the required signatures, whether from a partner across the office, or a sulky customer from the other side of the globe is instant, easy and virtually foolproof. It can be initiated from a desktop, laptop, or even your cellular device in just a few clicks. You will experience smooth progression and increased bandwidth for other tasks. Also the time spans of deals cycles will be shorten. We are making it possible for