document designer

VTExperts sales intelligence tools

January 26, 2023
The application of data, analytics, and technology to improve and enhance the sales process is known as sales intelligence. I revolve around the customer, market trends, competitors, and tools for monitoring and evaluating sales performance. The end goal of sales intelligence is to increase revenue by catering to customer needs in a better manner using informed decisions. In this article, we will look at how can you maximize sales performance with VTExperts sales intelligence tools Sales intelligence in CRM systems Integrate sales intelligence into the CRM system to analyze the information and track customer engagement. Especially, system admins can use it in CRM systems to organize customer data, so the sales team can target the audience more efficiently. Moreover, integrating different sales tools into the CRM system to provide a more complete view of the products to the customers e.g., marketing and sales campaigns, etc. Furthermore, sales intelligence provides CRM

Remove multiple emails from send email box (Document Designer)

December 30, 2021
Sometimes, a single record contains more then one email fields. When user try to send a document designers template via email to that contact, multiple email addresses shows up. In this article we will learn, how can a user Remove multiple emails from send email box while sending a Document Designer Template With a little bit tweaking with CSS, you can make only the primary email of the record to appear in the send email box For doing so, first you have to install a browser extension, by the name of stylus Stylus Stylus allows you to easily install themes and skins for many popular sites. Get Stylus for chrome Here Once Stylus is installed, configure the Stylus for send email dialog box using Stylus editor Configuring a new Stylus Following is the CSS changes that you have to configure in the stylus [data-module="PurchaseOrder"] {display:none;}     Make sure to provide

ERP VS CRM and Vtiger

June 4, 2021
ERP (Enterprise resource Planning) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) both are automated systems that are used to streamline and automate business processes. The difference between both the systems is areas of business where they are implemented. CRM is used to streamline front end processes of a business, while ERP is used to increase the efficiency of back end processes. Usually ERP covers alot more aspects then a CRM and in some cases the CRM used by organizations are actually a subset of their ERP. Vtiger is a great CRM system, but extensions make it more than a CRM system. This article analyzes, ERP VS CRM and Vtiger. This article analyzes, ERP VS CRM and Vwhere does Vtiger stands. ERP is used to manage overall business processes including supply chain, manufacturing, reporting, operations, human resource and accounting. It uses a centralize database to streamline the processes and workflows among the different departments of

Group & Sort Related Records By Fields In VTExperts Document Designer For VTiger

February 7, 2019
document designer vtiger vtexperts group related records by fields outcome
Document Designer PDF maker and Electronic Signature for VTiger has this feature to add a table from related modules. The purpose to add a related module table is to show related records to this specific record. There are options like which fields to show, filter the records, theme, and size it properly. Group Related Records By Fields We have added another option to group related records by given fields. If you go to a document in Document Designer > Data Objects > add a Related Module table, you will see the “Group by” field. This is a multi-select field, so you can add as many fields as required in order to group the related records by those fields. This is how the outcome will look like depending upon the selected fields: There’s another option in the same settings block, which is “Sort Field”. This is a picklist, so you can

Create Custom PDFs In VTiger 7

June 22, 2018
Proposal & Document Designer for VTiger is the ultimate sales tool for document automation. We extend the power of your CRM and give you everything you need to turn your leads into clients and close deals faster. No need to switch between word processors, CPQ tools, e-signing apps, and your inbox. Proposal & Document Designer for VTiger lets you create sales documents, employ dynamic quoting, get electronic signatures, and automate your workflow all the while. How to Create Custom PDFs   Go to Menu > Settings > CRM Settings > Extension Pack > Document Designer. Click on the “Add” button to create a custom PDF.  You can user Rich Text formatting options in the custom PDF. You can also Drag and Drop elements form the right side of the screen.  You can add and modify Fields(Start date, Down Payment etc) and Signature.  You can add Images.  You can add Pricing Table and Related Module.  In addition, you can Insert Data from

Enable Digital Signature In VTiger 7

May 19, 2018
Proposal & Document Designer is the ultimate sales tool for document automation. We extend the power of your CRM and give you everything you need to turn your leads into clients and close deals faster. No need to switch between word processors, CPQ tools, e-signing apps, and your inbox. Proposal & Document Designer for VTiger lets you create sales documents, employ dynamic quoting, get electronic signatures, and automate your workflow all the while. How to Enable Digital Signature In Document Designer Add a Signature Field.      When the signature element is first added, it defaults to be “Signed by the recipient”. In most cases this is what we want, meaning that once you send the document, the recipient will be able to click on the signature icon and place the signature.  You can also pre-set signature by clicking on the gear icon and drawing the signature. If you do that, your drawn signature will show up

Develop And Design Attractive Documents With vTiger Proposal & Document Designer

July 17, 2016
A number of tools are available in market to write a couple of pages, few chapters, or even books with basic to professional formats. But when it comes to craft versatile content like extensive proposals, sales orders, quotes, invoices, or executive subject matter in a style, selection of the right tool can be tricky. Searching for the perfect software is itself a tiring task, let alone the additional processes including email integration with the desired customizations. The problem was addressed at vTiger’s and the team came up with the ultimate solution in the form of vTiger Proposal & Document Designer, along with the capability of Electronic Signature. The powerful vTiger extension has the potential to nimbly design professional, mobile friendly documents and proposals right from the vTiger CRM in minimum time. You can create highly striking executive documents, pamphlets, proposal, etc. that are more anticipated to convince leads and opportunities.