
Vtiger CRM dashboard and its uses

September 30, 2021
While choosing a CRM system, one of the most looked feature is dashboard. The dashboard is used to provide a quick picture of updates. For example, sales activity, support ticket responded, key performance indicators etc. Talking about the CRM dashboards, the things that comes to the mind are graphs, charts, reports etc. as they are the key components of any dashboard. What makes dashboards a good tool, is the ability to customize them extensively. This allows users to highlight only those metrics that are most used or searched most. Dashboards also allows to track the progress on different aspects of the business. Viger CRM also provides dashboard, which can be used to achieve the motives discussed earlier. In this article, we will look at Vtiger CRM dashboard and its uses. Elements of Dashboards Lets start with what elements should be included in the CRM dashboard. Following are some of the