cost effective

“Profile” Is An Effective Way To Enhance Database Security

March 14, 2016
For obvious reasons, you cannot afford a single user wandering around into the whole database. While users messing around with the records is enough tension, restricting every single one of them to his/her own section is another task. Vtiger 7 provides a simple yet efficient solution for the matter. It helps in limiting the users from accessing the certain modules, fields and features, by creating and assigning profiles. It also aids in limiting the users’ actions regarding the CRM records. Setting up a Profile      1. To create a new profile, click on the App switch icon on the top left and select Settings.      2. There is an “User Management” button.      3. Clicking on the User Management button will show you Profiles icon.      4. Click Add Profile button on the top right corner.      5. The next window will let you assign