Conditional Layout

ERP VS CRM and Vtiger

June 4, 2021
ERP (Enterprise resource Planning) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) both are automated systems that are used to streamline and automate business processes. The difference between both the systems is areas of business where they are implemented. CRM is used to streamline front end processes of a business, while ERP is used to increase the efficiency of back end processes. Usually ERP covers alot more aspects then a CRM and in some cases the CRM used by organizations are actually a subset of their ERP. Vtiger is a great CRM system, but extensions make it more than a CRM system. This article analyzes, ERP VS CRM and Vtiger. This article analyzes, ERP VS CRM and Vwhere does Vtiger stands. ERP is used to manage overall business processes including supply chain, manufacturing, reporting, operations, human resource and accounting. It uses a centralize database to streamline the processes and workflows among the different departments of

Conditional Layout – Role Based Permission

May 20, 2021
Conditional layout is a great extension and now user can set Conditonal layouts based on role permissions Now, you can also set conditional layout based on roles of the user using the CRM. To set conditional layout on role based permission, follow the below mentioned procedure: Go to Settings > Other Settings > Conditional Layout Following screen will open To set a conditional layout, click on “+ New Conditional Layouts” and select module. Set the condition based on role and finally set the action if condition is fullfilled. Role based condition is shown in the figure below     Example for Demonstrating How to use Role Based Conditional Layout Here, we will demonstrate the usage of role based permission in Conditional layout with an example. In this example the assigned to field in contact module will hide, if the role of the user is CEO and the lead source is Cold call Step 1 : Select Module In Select Module, choose Contacts Provide the appropriate description for