Complete timeline

See Complete Record History In VTIger 7

May 10, 2018
Record Timeline/Summary extension was designed to provide complete record visibility. On the timeline, the user can see any communication (emails, calls, comments) as well as record updates. It rolls up the information from 3 relationship level deeps, meaning if you are viewing organization timeline, you will see any information related to organization(emails,updates,comments) as well as any information related to organizations’ tickets/opportunities (or any other modules). How to See Complete Record History Go to Menu >> Settings >> CRM Settings >> Extension Pack >> Complete Timeline. Select the Number of Fields to show and Number of Characters to show in the description. Then select the Modules.     Go to Organizations(Or any other select module) and open a record.     In Touch Points Tab you can see complete Time Line with date/Time and details. It shows complete Time Line from the date record is created.     For further help, contact us on We’ll be glad to be of service.