
Efficient Reporting with Vreports

May 20, 2021
Reports play a vital role in analyzing and  making right decisions for your business. They provide key insights and important details that can boost the performance of your business processes, e.g. better marketing campaigns, more accurate future forecasts, planed budgets and last but not least enhanced decision making. Reports in CRM system Reports are an integral part of CRM, that is why almost every CRM provides dedicated reporting mechanism. VTiger reports allow user to sort out heaps of data and generate meaningful insights based on data. On daily basis, your VTiger CRM system is fed with multiple gigs of data, this data may include new opportunities that your sales team created, invoices generated by your accounts department, project tasks created by the support team etc. Through VTiger Reports you can extract useful information from the data and then make better and smarter decisions. Using VTiger reports user can add detailed


March 21, 2016
Sales managers impact the performance of an organization hugely. They can do so either by setting the quarterly sales targets, establishing a regional price, or setting revenue goals etc. Vtiger 7 has a whole new set of features Sales Report that generates pictorial representations of the historical data, which provide the key insights and profit yielding results.   Vtiger 7’s custom report feature allows to obtain insights about sales process If your plans are to analyze how the key operations of the business are being performed, Vtiger7’s customizable reports, charts, and figures are the right tools for you. Regional sales can be managed separately with Pivot Reports. Bar and Pi charts aid in identifying the high performing sales reps as well as highlighting those who need assistance. The pictorial representation of data can contribute significantly to make profitable decisions and Vtiger 7 provides you with the best solutions in this