Multi user assignment

Collaboration tools by VTExperts for Vtiger CRM

November 24, 2022
Team collaboration is always an integral part of any business’s success. In this digital era, collaboration tools in CRM systems are a must-have. That is why VTExperts developed extensions that enhance the process of team communication. Moreover, these extensions also make collaboration within the team and with the customers easy. Let us check some of the advantages of effective collaboration tools by VTExperts for Vtiger CRM Benefits of collaborative tools Skill sharing The first and foremost important advantage of collaboration is skill sharing. It helps team members to share their feedback and skill with each other. Collaborating with different teams and within the team works as a learning experience. So, collaboration helps in sharing knowledge and skills. Problem Solving When you came across an issue and even after trying several approaches you are still not able to solve it. What should you do next? In such scenarios, you should use

Generate Groups via Scheduler in Multi-User Assignment Team Extension For VTiger

December 8, 2018
vtiger multi user assignment team module cron scheduler
VTiger open source only supports a single assigned to field. That means, one record can only have one assigned to field by default. If you want to add multiple users to a single project, or give access for some user in order to reveal a specific record and have his input on the matter, it’s hard. The admin will go to groups, find the users who need to have access to this specific record. Then create a new group. Further, he will have to open the record, change the assigned to, to the new group. It does not sound like a job of admins to move around like that, especially when there are convenient ways to do so. Multi-User Assignment or Team Extension This gap is covered by the extension Multi-user assignment, frequently known as “Team” module. The Multi-user assignment extension for VTiger settles down the matter of who should

Assign A Record To Multiple Users Or Groups In VTiger 7

December 19, 2017
In VTiger 7, User can assign multiple user of groups to a record by using our Multi User Assignment extension. The extension includes a special field which has a list of all the users. As you select the users, it starts gathering a group and assigns it to the record. How to Assign a Record to Multiple Users or Groups Go to the “Menu” and select “CRM Settings“. Select “Multi User Assignment” under the “Other Settings” drop down menu.     From here select the module you want to assign multiple user and click on the “Save” button.   Go to the selected module (For this example we use Projects) and click on the “Add Project” button.     From here you can assign multi user to the project by adding the user’s in “Team Field“.   For further help contact us on We’ll be glad to be of service.