Masked Input

Pre-Format Phone Numbers To Your Requirement In VTiger 7

October 18, 2017
Admin can restrict users to enter fields in a certain format by using Masked Input extension. This feature allows you to configure the formats of Phone numbers and set them default in VTiger. So when users work and add data to the CRM, they will only need to enter phone numbers without the need of formatting each number for example adding “-” or space or “()”. How to Preformat Phone Number First, install the extension Masked Input extension from the Extension pack for VTiger. Then, go to the “CRM Settings” and select the “Other Settings” and click “Masked Input“.   Then Click on the “Add New Field” button to create a new preformatted field.   Select a Module you want to add field to.   Select the field type.   Select the format for the field you have selected.   Click on the “Save” button to save the changes.   For further help, contact us