
Request Customer Feedback In VTiger 7

April 27, 2018
Feedback Extension was designed to simply to request customer feedback directly from VTiger. Feedback email can be triggered automatically (VTiger workflow) or manually by the user. The email itself contains standard text, which you will specify and 5 stars for the recipient to click and immediately provide feedback (feedback is logged as soon as the customer clicks on one of the stars in the email). How to Request Customer Feedback Go to Menu >> Settings >> CRM Settings >> Automation >> Workflows. Click on the “+ New Workflow” Button to create a new workflow.     Enter Workflow Name and select the Target Module and the conditions of the workflow. Then click on the “Add Action”.     Add action title, and select the Module for the record. Then add Fields to Update. Click on the Save Button.     Click on the “+ New Workflow” Button again to create a new workflow. Enter Workflow Name and select the Target Module and the conditions of the workflow. Then click on