Custom Expenses

Custom Expenses Extension For VTiger – New Release

December 17, 2018
custom expenses for vtiger
On daily basis, companies run into situations, where they expend resources to provide services/products to their customers. Those expenses might come in any form i.e. travel expenses, spare parts purchases, outsourcing payments etc. There’s simply no specific category – such expenses can come in any form and service. Custom Expenses For VTiger We’ve come up with a new extension for VTiger which covers the above mentioned gap. Custom Expenses for VTiger helps to track and automate user expenses for every customer. Once an item is created, you can convert it to expense – there’s no limitation for that. Going ahead, you can add those expenses into invoices with proper details and get compensated properly, while keeping it all crystal clear. Use Cases A good example would be TA/DA for your staff. When funding the company’s representatives for a specific project while they travel, you can track and convert the expenses