Integrate VTiger 7 With

April 25, 2018
Article Integration for VTiger makes it very easy to manage documents from the CRM. It fully integrates the two applications, by assigning folders to VTiger records. Folders are then accessible directly from VTiger. How to Integrate VTiger 7 with Note: To integrate VTiger with Box account, you need to have active SSL certification on your CRM URL. The API does not work without it. Open this URL:     Select “Create New App”     Select “Custom App” and hit “Next”     Select “OAuth 2.0 (User Authentication)”. This is the login method that your CRM will be using to connect to the Box account. Click “Next”     Name your newly created app, read the Terms of Service for the Box API, and click “Create App”.     A confirmation will appear that your new app has been created. Hit the blue button saying “View Your App”. Under OAuth